Empowering resilient communities, nurturing sustainable ecosystems & amplifying diverse leaders
urban forestry 🍃 landscape architecture 🍃 professional development
Landscape architect, licensed in California, and arborist, certified by the International Society of Arboriculture.
Dedicated, visionary nonprofit operations and program executive with 25+ years experience.
Unique set of skills for responding to complex challenges with innovative and effective solutions developed through careers in urban forestry, landscape architecture and social work.
Proven track record of cultivating and stewarding effective collaborations and partnerships with local, state, national and international urban forestry leaders.
Commitment to cultivating a new generation of leaders through practical professional develop-ment, tailored mentoring, and impactful coaching.
Keen analytical astuteness coupled with exceptional interpersonal, communication, and organizational skills for successfully planning, implementing, and managing a wide range of projects and programs, consistently delivering successful results.
Advanced skills in nurturing team cohesion by empowering and fostering collaboration with a demonstrated commitment and application of the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.
Demonstrated deep understanding of the implications and significance of climate change, community engagement, social justice, and environmental racism on urban development.
Urban Forestry
Specializing in strategic planning, operational expansion and program development. A track record of successfully implementing effective strategies, policies, procedures, best practices, monitoring systems, and innovative solutions on a local, state, and federal levels.
Comprehensive understanding of local, national and global urban forestry challenges and op-portunities.
ISA Certified Arborist: WE-15193A
Landscape Architecture
Comprehensive services encom-passing the seamless collaboration and coordination of diverse dis-ciplines, developers, city dep-artments, community organizations, and property owners, ensuring successful projects across all phases of design and construction.
Project management expertise through design development presentations, city permit submittals, and construction documents.
CA Landscape Architect Lic. 6471
Professional Development
Dedicated to empowering diverse leaders with the tools needed to advance their careers and urban forestry program through skills training, mentorship and coaching.
Extensive experience establishing and administering workforce development programs and preparing leadership workshops and training curriculums to increase inclusiveness and relevance.
Developed an expansive inter-national urban forestry network